Thursday, October 29, 2009

UH...OH!! Houston, we have a problem!

My frickin' camera died!  I guess that's what I get for talking trash about it a few posts back.  I won't have time to buy a new one before Halloween, so I think that's it for pictures for this year. I was hoping to finish setting up the rest of our Halloween decor tomorrow and take pictures on Saturday.  I know....I am so behind this year!  I planned on posting a final Halloween picture blitz on Saturday or Sunday.  I'm so disappointed! 

Behold, the last 3 pictures it took during it's final gasps for air. The last one is kind of creepy looking!

Well, (with my head hung low and swear words possibly slipping out of my mouth) I'm off to make my second cheesecake of the day.  We have 15 people coming over for a big Halloween dinner tomorrow night.   WHY..OH...WHY couldn't it hold on just 2-3 more days!!! 

Blessings, Tracy

Wednesday, October 28, 2009's going to be a beautiful day!

Wow, with a sunrise like this, how could this day go wrong! 

This picture was taken from our screened in porch this morning.  I'm sure it would have been better, if I hadn't been too lazy to actually walk out on to the deck to take it.  Nope, this gal just shot the picture right through the screen.  I know....pitiful. 
It really was so beautiful!

Blessings, Tracy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is it Halloween yet?!

One of the many "unusual" skull we have displayed around the house.

Blessings, Tracy

Monday, October 26, 2009

When Pigs Fly...Halloween style!

This guy sits on top of our kitchen cabinets all year round.  I just love him.  I thought he would like to join in on our Halloween fun, so I made him a little glitter mask for the occasion.  I think he turned out cute! 

OK then, I'm off to put him back up on his perch.

Blessings, Tracy

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh no! I have "BATS IN MY BELFRY"....Umm, I mean foyer!

We have around 50 bats spinning in our foyer during Halloween.  When it comes time for Trick or Treaters, we dim the lights and it looks really spooky, with all the bats gently swaying and spinning.   When the neighborhood kids come to the door and look up to say their "Trick or Treats", all they see is tons of bats floating over our heads.  It's really fun to see some of them simply become speechless (not is a scared way, of course).  They just stare without saying a word until we snap them out of it by saying, "Happy Halloween".  ;-) 

This picture shows just a few of our bats, with the rest spinning over my head and behind me, while I snapped this shot.'s nearly impossible to get a good shot of these little devils. 

Blessings, Tracy

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grave stones

Like most of our Halloween decorations, we made these several years ago.  I found the idea and directions in this book - Halloween Crafts: Eerily Elegant Decor" by Kasey Roger (who played Louise Tate on Bewitched) and Mark Wood.   I thought most of the projects in this book were just OK, but it did have a few good ideas.

We are reworking the above gravestone, since it has the most damage of the three.

These gravestones are pretty big in general.  They all measure around 3 1/2 feet tall x 2 feet wide x 5 inches deep.

Here's how we did it -
  1. We sandwiched and glued 2 pieces of construction foam/sheet insulation together. Before applying the glue, make sure to carve 2 'rebar" channels on the insides of foam (sides that will be glued together).  This will be used later for display purposes. 
  2. Carve your design into the headstones. For the second gravestone, we added a carved (skull shaped) piece of foam to the front; for added dimension.
  3. Cover foam with a heavy layer of paper mache.
  4. Once this dried thoroughly, we spray painted over the paper mache with stone/granite textured spray paint. Once this dries, we distressed the gravestones with watered down black and eerie green paints.
  5. Once this dried, we sealed the crap out of them.
  6. Using hot glue gun, glue moss on to areas of the front of gravestone to add an aged look.
  7. To display, we pushed 2 short pieces of of rebar in the ground and slid the gravestones on to these.
These gravestones have held up really well until about 2 years ago. At that time, they sat outside for 2 days in torrential rain which was then followed by a hard freeze. They just couldn't take it & the backs cracked open.  We still use them, but they just look really bad from the back.  This year we are going to try and redo one of these, using a different method.  If it works out, we will redo the others next year. Keep your fingers crossed.....
You can also see a picture of one of our headstones in the Mr. Bones entry.

Blessings, Tracy

Monday, October 19, 2009

Witch's Urn...DONE!!!

Here is our newest project, a fabulous "Witch's Urn"! When I first saw one of these, here, here and here, I just fell in love.  It looked so fun, I just had to try it.

If you have been following this process, I know it has taken sooooo.o.o.o.o.o long for us to finish this project.  Life has been keeping us busy and taking up all of our time. 

Here's how we did it.
  1. I was lucky enough to find a GREAT deal on some mannequin legs on Craigslist. I paid $10 for this mismatched set.  **Update - See this post for another place you could find mannequin legs.  If you don't live in the Minneapolis area, you can see if there is a similar type of business near you.
  2. We spray painted our mannequin legs black.  We did this because the first leg, attached to the torso, was scratched up and dull and the paint on the red leg was showing through the fibers of our striped tights. We also spray painted a large heavy plastic urn black. You will notice the urn is now gray, since the black just wasn't working for me. We ended up spraying over the black with one of those textured granite sprays and then I distressed it. Here is a picture of the urn before distressing.
  3. For info on how I made the witch's shoes (from Goodwill finds), see previous posts.
  4. We purchased some striped tights in the Halloween section of our local Party City store. You can also find these at any Halloween themed stores that pop up at this time of year.
  5. We ended up having to cut the torso off of the one leg, since it was too tall for our urn.
  6. We glued the two mannequin legs on to a board and secured the board in the urn.  We used heavy construction adhesive to do both of these, since we didn't want them falling out & bopping some young child on the head.  Once they were set, we put tights and shoes on the mannequin legs.
  7. I cut a piece of craft foam in an oval shape & painted "The Witch is IN" on it.  The frame is made out of the rim of an oval "Chinet" brand heavy duty paper plate.  After I cut it out, it was painted black, thoroughly sealed and then covered with fine black glitter.  You can't tell from the pictures, but the frame really shimmers in person.  To finish it off, I glued the frame to the sign. Note - Our Witch's Urn will be displayed on a covered porch, so it will fairly well protected from the elements.
  8. The top of the urn was covered with fake moss, and the "The Witch is IN" sign was hung on the front of the urn with black string.  A black crow was added as an accent.

Blessings, Tracy

I'm linking this post to one of my favorite blogs -

I'm also linking this post to the DIY Show and Tell Halloween Surprise Party.
The DIY Show Off

Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

TA...'frickin'...DA! Behold our Witch's Shoe!!

Well, I finally finished the shoes for my Witch's Urn yesterday!  Making these has been a true challenge for me, since I really have pretty much ZERO sewing abilities.  I haven't touched a sewing machine in many years, so I had to pretty much learn how to sew all over again.  I am so proud of myself! 

Then...this morning, when I went to take some pictures to post, I found out my camera batteries were just about to die.  I also knew we had no spare batteries in the house.  Yes, I still have one of the first digital cameras that is known to mankind.  It takes bad pictures and it known throughout the land for it's "battery sucking" abilities.  So, anyhoo....I was able to take 4 quick, pictures before I lost power.  But, alas, I lost this battle in the end, since I was in such a hurry to beat the dying batteries...only one picture turned out.  I'll have to post more pictures later.  Check out my previous post if you are interested in more info on how I made these shoes.

FYI - For anyone else who is interested in making a Witch's Urn, you can buy shoe covers that make normal shoes look like witch’s shoe. The problem I found with these is that they are really meant for viewing from the top of the shoe down, not from the bottom (sole side) up. They have straps that crisscross over the soles & I just didn’t like the look personally. So, long story short, I thought I would try to make my own first. Although, I have to say that I was pretty close, several times during the (ahem...frustrating) sewing process, to just buying the quick covers.  I think I may have actually taught myself a few new swear words while making these. ;-) If you are interested, you can purchase them at local party/Halloween shops or on the web at places like here or here.

Blessings, Tracy

Friday, October 9, 2009

Progress....Goodwill items transformed into Witch's Shoes!

Click on image to enlarge
Image info -
  1. Three pairs of Goodwill shoes.  The two pair of boots were used for parts and extra leather.
  2. Orginal prices crossed out for discount bin.  Final price $1.49 each.
  3. High heel that will be transformed into witch shoe.
  4. Long boot during deconstruction process.  Next to boot is a buckle shape, which was cut out of white craft foam.
  5. Photo (sorry, dark shot) of split in heel.
  6. Made the shoe's pointed tip out of paper clay.  Painted & sealed before gluing on to shoe.
  7. Shoe with leather cover.  I attached this over the front of the shoe & paper clay tip with Welders all purpose household glue.  This sleeve was sewn out of leather from Goodwill boots.
  8. Second picture of shoes.
  9. Glued heel split (see image 5) together and covered with black glitter.
  10. Craft foam buckles, painted with silver paint & covered with fine silver glitter. Drying before being attached to shoes.
I just have to add the (exaggerated) shoe tongue and the buckle & strap.  Check back tonight or tomorrow to see our finished Witch's shoes! 

Blessings, Tracy