Friday, October 1, 2010

Mummy progress!

       Mannequin head with a 26mm doll eye.

To make this guy -
  1. I purchased Styrofoam head and carved out a hole where his eye was.  I then pushed a 26mm doll eye in the hole snuggly.
  2. I tea stained strips of cheese cloth and let them dry.  
  3. I distressed cheese cloth strips as I layered them on.  Every few layers, I painted on/dripped/misted face with watered down craft paints, to accent areas like eye, mouth, etc.
Waiting for him to dry (after some aging), so I can add additional gauze.  He is not turning out exactly how I hoped, so let's see if I can pull a rabbit out of my hat make him look a little better. Worried!

***Update - See our finished Mummy Head HERE!***

Blessings, Tracy

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